14 February 2020

Editoriale Domus Case

On 30th October 2019 CodeLand has participated as sponsor and speaker to Adobe Experience Forum in Milan discussing Editoriale Domus case history.

On the stage Nicola Possenti (Head of Digital Project, Editoriale Domus) and Ignazio Locatelli (CodeLand CEO). In a 20 minutes presentation we have discussed the relevant topics at the base of a collaboration that lasts since 2011 with mutual satisfaction. In the slide show we have analyzed the most relevant topics at the heart of the choice of the technology (AEM) and the elements we have considered absolutely foundamental to constantly reach business goals.

We have designed our presentation on small, concrete and pragmatic topics: FlexibilityPerformanceScalability and Integration. These are elemnts that are carachterizing our daily work in CodeLand. They may sound very basic arguments, but as our 10 years experience demonstrates they are still the most important when working on Adobe Experience Manager technology, being the most relevant to make the difference when setting the base to build more powerful and complex solutions.

Here below the slides shown during the presentation (in Italian language).
Download PDF

Thanks to Nicola and all Domus to give us the possibility to work day by day on a so challenging project.