/ Asset Share Commons Visual
& Semantic Search
Assets Share Commons is a modern, open source asset share reference implementation built for Adobe Experience Manager. Visual & Semantic Search is CodeLand’s solution to enable asset search through AI with Semantic and Image Similarity. This plugin combines the power of these 2 tools, enhancing Asset Share Commons with AI Search based functionalities.
ASC Visual & Semantic Plugin can be easily installed as a simple package introducing new components extending existing ASC base functionalities. Thanks to the integration with CodeLand Visual & Semantic Search the following additional functionalities will be available:
- Semantic search, finding images coherent with the given description;
- Similar Image search tool, with the possibility for the end user to upload an image from his system and/or to take a picture from any mobile device;
- Similar Image button in the image detail page, to search for images that are similar.
All this combined with all other OOTB Asset Share Commons functionalities.