/ Community Framework

Setting up User Generated Contents (UGC) in a modern AEM As a Cloud Service platform may be tricky…

The need to add interactive user generated contents on an AEM website may arise quite often: Community Framework is here to provide you a stable and quick solution.

Services that are included in this first release are:

Likes (reactions)
Rating & Reviews
Moderation tools

Adding such elements in the page requires the simple addition of the components available in the Community Framework library plus a configuration to make them interact with a cloud storage service where all the user generated contents can be stored. The following picture gives an high level overview of the Community Framework.

All the contents provided by the users are stored on a remote Community Content Storage hosted on Amazon Cloud leveraging Dynamo Db. Community Framework comes with the possibility to leverage CodeLand Community Content Storage or to setup a dedicated cloud environment. All the communications from AEM to the Community Content Storage are crypted in order to keep them safe.

/ Likes & Reactions

Perfect solution to collect content reactions from users. Simply drag a Like component in your article / product page. All the components come with a predefined base style that can be personalized to match customer needs.

When leaving a like the user has the possibility to customize his/her reaction choosing a different emoticon.

As per all user generated contents in Community Framework, every interaction is permitted only to authenticated users. See “integrating user authentication”  chapter for more details.

/ Rating & Reviews

Give your web users the possibility to leave an evaluation / rating for your product, article or every other resource for which you want to collect feedbacks. Rating & Reviews component is a powerful tool to collect feedabacks and to trace the mood of your users about a specific resource.

The component can be configured to work simply as a rating tool or in conjunction with textual reviews (moderated or not). When displayed, the component shows the overall rating: hovering it the user can see a report of the ratings received by all other users.

In “review” mode the component shows also all the reviews posted by other users plus the possibility to leave his/her own.

/ Comments

Comments are the perfect way to collect feedbacks from your users about articles, recipes, products, events. You can associate comment to any resource on your website dragging the correspondent component in the page.

Each comment can receive replies starting discussion threads. As reviews, comments can be subject to moderation, showing them only after approval.

/ Moderation Tools

Reviews and comments are coming with moderation tools that allow the Community Master to approve / reject any pending element. By default reviews and comments cannot be seen immediately after they have been posted (unless you specifically change this configuration). Moderation tool is available on AEM Author providing an easy access to all pending contents with simple approve / reject operations.

Filters allow to easily search any contribute and locate what requires moderation.

We are actively working to include AI features to gain automatic moderation and make life easier for community masters. Stay tuned for version 2.

Integration Model

We have designed the Community Framework keeping in mind flexibility and easy of integration.

All components come with their proxy code to communicate with the Community Content Storage. An editor simply needs to drag the component in the page and eventually customize its dialog to configure its behaviour.

Centralized and common configurations can be easily done by the Community Master / Administrator through bundle configurations in the system console.

Developers can download the Community Framework and deploy as a separate package or integrate it on the main project build. The only integration required is about user management. In this first version it’s required to adapt a Java interface to provide user information source.

We are actively working to push this activity to a configuration layer. Stay tuned for version 2.

Security and GDPR

All contents stored on the Community Content Storage are crypted end to end from AEM. Everything transmitted and stored on the cloud storage is encrypted with AES alghorithm with a secret key chosen, stored and secured on AEM instances.

If required Community Content Storage can be moved on an owned AWS account gaining end to end control.

License Model

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

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